May 29, 2013 by Michelle Walker-Alexander
Job is a man "...that was blameless and upright, one who feared God and turned from evil" (Job 1:1 ESV). So a question for many might be, why Job? What can Job teach us about hope?
I think the beauty of God's Word is that He provides us all with lessons or instructions on how to live our lives. In His infinite wisdom, The Lord as provided us with a history of relationship. This week as we meet Job, we are immediately told that he is a righteous, obedient man who loses much of what he values in just a few moments. In the midst of his storm Job "....fell to the ground and worshipped".
This week's study has revealed two critical truths:
- Job could praise God through any circumstance because he praised God in every circumstance. Job was able to praise in the face of his profound loss, because he was a man that lived in a committed relationship with God. As a result of his relationship with God, Job was practiced, ready and able to communicate with the Father.
- Living a hope filled life will not always be a pretty life. Living hope is so much more than being hopeful. I can be hopeful for a nice sunny day when I'm planning a day beach but I reach for a different place, a deeper faith when the heavy rains are unleashed and turbulent winds toss me to and fro. To truly walk in hope and trust in God is to be in relationship with Him though every circumstance, every situation at every opportunity.
May we follow the example of Job, by always cultivating our relationship with God so that we may live a life of abounding hope.
Let your steadfast love, O LORD, be upon us, even as we hope in you.
Written by Michelle Walker-AlexanderPsalm 33:22
WCW Social Media Community Group Co-Leader
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