In his message Power Down, Pastor Andy introduces us to the most helpful thing we can do for one another!
How can I help?Whether you are a Christ follower or not, this question immediately diffuses the power struggle between family members. It says "I am here for you. I am not here just for my own interests or benefit. I am here to give all I have/all I am for what YOU need."
The barrier to asking this question is fear. We are afraid that someone is going to take advantage of us. That we will have to do something that we don't want to do. But the Bible gives us a fresh perspective on why we should push past this fear.
"Honor Christ and put others first." Ephesians 5:21 CEVThe key to having a great family is mutual submission to each other. It is not getting everyone to do what you want them to do. It is trading in "me" for "us". It is no longer seeking my own happiness but rather giving all of myself (time, resources, talents, etc.) in order to make our family happy and cared for!
If everyone in your family asks this of each other at least one time per day, it will forever change the dynamics of your life! Just try it for one week. And remember, when you want to ask it the least, you need to ask it the most!
We have been doing this in my own family and I can tell you that it works wonders! Each & every time this question is asked in our home, someone gets a big smile on their face now. We learning together to care more about "you" than about "myself"! With this simple question, my four young kids are becoming amazing people who put others first!
I hope that you will take time to watch the message or listen on podcast via iTunes or Downcast (North Point Community Church). But most importantly, how about asking yourself or a small group of friends these questions. Let us know what happens in your family when you start asking How Can I Help?
Angela Smith
Discussion Questions by Future Family series
- Talk about a time when someone in your family went out of his or her way to help you. How did it affect your relationship with that person?
- What is one thing you can do to improve the way you leverage your power, influence, and resources on behalf of your spouse, children, or parents?
- What is one obstacle to you practicing mutual submission in your family? How can you overcome that obstacle?
- Which member of your family do you need to ask, "What can I do to help?"
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