Monday, May 7, 2012

Is 10 Enough?

"The devil has effectively convinced us that 10 minutes per day with God doesn't really count."
Priscilla Shirer, Going Beyond Simulcast May 5, 2012

This morning we kicked off the WCW Hello Mornings Challenge!  Almost 30 women have joined in this session to experience what God can do when they press into the Word of God for 10-15  minutes each day and walk in the blessings that accountability bring!!  

Yes, you read that right.  It only takes 10-15 minutes per day to experience life change by the living words of our God!  He can do more in us with those few minutes than we can do in a lifetime of "trying hard"!!

I know many of us, including myself, that are done with the try hard life.  We are willing to go to bed a little bit earlier, give up some media time (TV, websites or even digital books) and adjust our wake up time to a little less daylight---all for the hope that is found in meeting with God and His Word every morning.

Yes, it does say morning!  "Does it have to be in the morning?" some have asked.  The answer is a resounding "YES!"  When we meet with God first thing each day, the rest of the day reveals Him.  Peace replaces the chaos.  Purpose is found where fearful emptiness once resided.  Wisdom presides over decisions.  Truth brings freedom where lies once shackled.   

"So how do you effectively study the Bible in just 10-15 minutes?" you might ask.  Here are two studies that you can download that will guide you in that journey.  

Run To Him, a study of 13 Psalms that can be done in 10 minutes/day, can be downloaded here

Focused15, a study of 1 Corinthians 13, can be downloaded here.

If you are reading this and feeling God stirring your heart to join in the Challenge, it is NOT too late!  Remember, it is harder to push the snooze button on your alarm when you know you have a group of ladies waiting for you to check-in who will encourage you & pray for you!!  
Just click here to register & we will send you all the info that you need!!  

If you are still in need of convincing, here is the Getting Started Guide that will put all of your fears to rest!  Go check it out now!!

Let's show the devil that 10 minutes does matter AND that life change happens in that time!

Cheering you on,
Angela Smith

QUESTION:  What has happened as you have discovered that 10 really is enough?  Please share your story with us in the comment section!


Jen Baierl said...

I started waking up earlier last Monday (a week ago). I worship for 2 songs, study the short devotion, and pray for my husband and kids. It keeps a song in my heart all day long & a peace while I'm at work. I find it harder to be angry when I've prayed first thing. I'm not normally a lover of mornings, but I have really looked forward to this time when I know that no one else is going to get up or disturb my time alone with my Creator. It's so precious!

Debbie Dixon Barney said...

For years I have to set aside time first thing in the morning to spend some alone time with God. Most mornings I recognize the enemy's schemes to get me side-tracked and just do it. You'd think that the devil would get a hint and realize that, as much as he may try to mess with my mornings, I'm on to his plans. Be warned, however, that he is quite conniving and can use family--those closest to us--to distract us with silly little things. I had this happen yesterday and today and fell for it . . . hook, line, and sinker. God is always bigger and just wants us to spend time with Him, so I didn't let the frustration of missing my morning time take away from my evening time. There, take that, you devil.

WCW said...

Jen, I like that you shared you start with worship. I think that I need to do this too--I forget my headphones are an option in my need to be SILENT so the kids don't wake up!!

WCW said...

Debbie, I thanks for your story! It is nice to know that those distractions happen for others too & Yes, it is usually my family too! Let's keep pressing into Jesus & His Word no. matter. what!!!

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